Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Creation Cannot Be Stronger Than Its Creator

The creation cannot be stronger than its creator

I have everything I could ever desire inside of me but I just don't know it yet. I am perfectly fine, I just don't know it yet. Whats inside of me is all around me. More specifically, what I believe is what I see. The barrier that stands between my own reunification is my "SELF".

I have made some poor choices along my path which would has resulted at times as a huge backslide into the waiting arms of my own self destruction. This destruction of "SELF" is a necessary evil since my "SELF" or my ego protects all that it believes and everything it perceives no matter how defeating and destructive.

This "SELF" of mine is a vehicle which has the capacity to hijack the being it was designed to serve. This governing servant is a really big liability when left to decide the fate of an individual. Thankfully we are all cursed with a "SELF" of our very own. Each one has its own trials to walk through. You see, with every trial that is measured correctly, there will be that much more distortion and confliction shed like the skin of a snake. The vale of self is lifted in direct proportion to diminished investment in the beliefs it sustains.

If I keep punking out life after life then I will be stuck here forever. Not my first choice of destinations to spend my eternity. Like it or not it requires that I connect to something outside of my "self" which is ironically within. The self is the problem and it always has been. So how does the self that is responsable for poisoning my moments going to come Back and be the one with the remedy? I created it so I can also recreate it and redesign the connection to my being.


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